Benedikt Groß is a speculative and computational designer who works antidisciplinarily. He is a professor of Strategic and Interaction Design at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd.

His work deals with the fascination of relationships between people, their data, technology and environments. He is particularly interested to speculate about these relationships in the near future. He uses design as a vehicle to visualize potential implications and scenarios.

He holds an M.A. in Design Interactions (under Anthony Dunne) from the Royal College of Art London, a Diploma in Information & Media from the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. He is Alumnus of the MIT Senseable City Lab and the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University.

He is co-author of “Generative Gestaltung” and “Zukünfte gestalten”, both are considered being standard books in the field of computational design and design futuring, with translations for “Generative Gestaltung” to English (Princeton Architectural Press), French (Editions Pyramid) and Japanese (BNN).

Benedikt’s work has been published widely and exhibited internationally. Some notable features include publications in WIRED, CAN, Page, Form, Hacker News, Fast Co.Design, Spiegel Online, Guardian, IEEE VIS and exhibitions at the Japanese Media Arts Festival, Ars Electronica, V2_ & the New Institute, Open Data Institute, and the Node Festival. Benedikt has been recognised with awards such as the IxDA Best Concept, Excellence Award of the Japanese Media Arts Festival, Information is Beautiful Award Silver, Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica and German Design Award. Furthermore, Benedikt has taught and lectured internationally.

Based in South Germany, Benedikt balances his time between teaching and working on commercial- and self-initiated research projects and raising a family.

Photo by <a href=>Stefan Eigner</a>

Photo by Stefan Eigner

Professional Experience

2020 Jan – 2020 Sep

Associate Design Director, move lab by FREE NOW, Berlin, DE

2019 Aug – 2020 Jan

Creative Resident at the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry and Visiting Faculty (for Data Viz) at the School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US

2019 Mar – 2023 Feb

Programme Director of MA Strategic Design, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2017 Mar – Present

Full Professor for Interaction Design, Interaktionsgestaltung Program, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2016 Jan – 2019 Dec

Associate Director of Design at moovel lab, moovel, Stuttgart, DE

2015 Sep – 2017 Aug

Full Professor for Digital Design, Digital Media Design Program, HS Ravensburg-Weingarten, DE

2014 Oct – 2015 Dec

Research Associate at moovel Lab, moovel, Stuttgart

2014 Jun – 2015 Sep

Data Visualization Consultant, Development Data Group, World Bank, Washington DC and Vienna, AT

2013 Oct – Present

Founder of Studio Benedikt Groß, Stuttgart, DE

2013 Sep – 2013 Sep

Visiting Research Fellow at MIT Senseable City Lab / S.M.A.R.T, University of Singapore, SG

2012 Nov – 2012 Dec

Research Assistant / Data Visualization Specialist at MIT Senseable City Lab / S.M.A.R.T, University of Singapore, SG

2012 Jun – 2012 Sep

Data Visualization Specialist at MIT Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, US

2009 Sep – 2011 Sep

Concept and IX/UX-Designer, Intuity Media Lab, Stuttgart, DE

2008 Mar – 2009 Sep

Author of Generative Gestaltung, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz, DE

2007 Sep – 2009 Aug

Academic Assistant, Interaction Design Program, Founding member of the HfG Media Lab, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2005 Mar – 2005 Oct

Internship with MESO, Frankfurt, DE

2002 Sep – 2003 Jan

Internship with Slogdesign, Biberach, DE


2011 Oct – 2013 Jun

MA in Design Interactions, graduated with distinction, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2007 Jul

Diploma in Information and Media, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2005 Sep – 2006 Aug

Erasmus exchange, HGK Basel, Basel, CH

2003 Mar – 2005 Feb

Studies in Information and Media, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2002 Oct – 2003 Aug

Studies in Geography and Computer Science, University Stuttgart, DE

Books, Texts, and Papers

2023 Apr

Workshop Paper, "Entrepreneurship Futures or: What Entrepreneurship Education can learn from Design Futuring", Sebastian Planck, Eileen Mandir and Benedikt Groß, 3E Conference – ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference, Track: Entrepreneurial Education and Identity, Aarhus, DK

2022 Sep

Book, “Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation. Mit »Design Futuring« Zukunftsszenarien strategisch erkunden, entwerfen und verhandeln”. ISBN 978-3-87439-958-6. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. Hermann Schmidt, Mainz, DE

2020 Mar

Book, “ABC: The Alphabet from the Sky” (Board Book), ISBN 9780593094372, Penguin Random House, Benedikt Groß, Joey Lee, US

2020 Mar

Paper, "Who wants to be a self-driving car? A mixed-reality data-trust exercise". Joey Lee, Benedikt Groß and Raphael Reimann, pp. 21–27, Special issue of Information Design Journal 25:1 (2019).

2018 Nov

Book, “Generative Design – Visualize, Program, and Create with JavaScript in p5.js”, ISBN: 9781616897581. Benedikt Groß, Hartmut Bohnacker, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni. With Contributions by Niels Poldervaart, Joey Lee. Princeton Architectural Press, Princeton, US

2018 Aug

Book, “Generative Design with p5.js[p5.js版ジェネラティブデザイン] ―ウェブでのクリエイティブ・コーディング”, ISBN: 978-4-8025-1097-4, Benedikt Groß, Hartmut Bohnacker, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni. With Contributions by Niels Poldervaart, Joey Lee. BNN, Tokyo, JP

2018 Feb

Book, “Generative Gestaltung: Creative Coding im Web. Entwerfen, Programmieren und Visualisieren mit Javascript in p5.js”, ISBN: 978-3874399029. Benedikt Groß, Hartmut Bohnacker, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni. With Contributions by Niels Poldervaart, Joey Lee. Hermann Schmidt, Mainz, DE

2017 Mar

Article, "Was Wäre Wenn?" (Einführung in Speculative Design), Benedikt Groß and Verena Dauerer, Page Magazine, p. 31 - 35, Issue 3, 2017

2016 Oct

Paper, "All Roads to Rome: Visualizing Mobility at Scale". Raphael Reimann, Benedikt Groß, and Philipp Schmitt. Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP), pages 37-40, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2016, US.

2016 Sep

Book, “ABC: The Alphabet from the Sky”, ISBN 9781101995815, Penguin Random House, Benedikt Groß, Joey Lee, US

2016 Feb

Book, “Generative Design”, ISBN: 978-4-8025-1013-4, BNN. Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni, JP

2016 Jan

Paper, ”Shanghai Metro Flow – Multiple Perspectives into a Subway System”, Till Nagel and Benedikt Groß, Leonardo 2017 50:5, 511-512, MIT Press Journals

2014 Nov

Paper, ”Shanghai Metro Flow – Multiple Perspectives into a Subway System”, Till Nagel and Benedikt Groß. Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2014 Arts Program, VISAP’14: Art+Interpretation, 9-14 November 2014, Paris, France. pages 137-138

2014 Aug

Chapter, “Hubcab – Exploring the benefits of shared taxi services”, Decoding the City – How Big Data Can Change Urbanism, ISBN: 303821597X, Birkhäuser Basel, CH

2014 Jun

Paper, "Basil.js – Bridging Mouse and Code Based Design Strategies". Ludwig Zeller, Benedikt Groß, and Ted Davis. Marcus A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for Designing the User Experience. DUXU 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8517. Springer, Cham

2013 Oct

Chapter, “Hubcab – Exploring the benefits of shared taxi services”, Die Stadt entschlüsseln, ISBN: 3038215902, Birkhäuser Berlin, DE

2013 Apr

Text, “Tools and Authorship in Computational Design”, Thesis, Royal College of Art Library, UK

2013 Mar

Interview/Text, “Generative Design”, The Digital Turn: Design in the Era of Interactive Technologies, ISBN: 3906027023, Park Books

2012 Aug

Book, “Generative Design”, ISBN: 9781616890773, Princeton Architectural Press. Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni, US

2011 Jan

Book, “Design génératif”, ISBN: 978-2350172156, Editions Pyramid, Paris. Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni, FR

2009 Sep

Book, “Generative Gestaltung”, ISBN: 978-3-87439-759-9, Hermann Schmidt, Mainz. Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni, DE


2024 Oct

Talk, "Zukünfte gestalten – Zukunftsszenarien strategisch erkunden, entwerfen und verhandeln mit Design Futuring", OpenIdea, FHV Dornbirn, Dornbirn, AT

2024 Mar

Talk, "Speculation, Critique, Innovation – What is Design Futuring? Perspectives on a new practice for designers", School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT

2023 Oct

Talk, "Design × Futuring: Designing participatory future scenarios for strategy, transformation, and imagination?", Critical Forum, GMD, London College of Communication, London, UK

2023 Jun

Talk, "Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.", Design Research Kolloquium, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2023 May

"Panel Professional requirements and fields of activity for designers in AI Industry", Reshape Forum, KITeGG Summer School, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2023 Feb

Talk, "Strategically exploring, designing and negotiating future scenarios with »Design Futuring«", IxDA Education Summit 2023, Zürich, CH

2023 Feb

Talk, "Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.", Webinar, German UPA, DE

2022 Dec

Talk, "Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.", DHBW Ravensburg, Studiengang Mediendesign, Ravensburg, DE

2022 Nov

Talk, "Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.", HS München, Fakultät für Design, Design im Zeughaus, Grosser Hörsaal (x. 1.022), München, DE

2022 Oct

Talk, "Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.", Frankfurter Buchmesse, Podium Rheinland-Pfalz, Halle 3.1, Stand G 48, Frankfurt, DE

2021 Oct

Talk, "Reading and Writing Landscape – Rural automation with Agricultural Printing", FLYOVER Summit, Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, US

2021 Sep

Talk, "Design? Speculation? Design Intent? ", Communication Design , School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, IT

2019 Nov

Talk, "Design × Technology", Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), New York University, New York, US

2019 Nov

Talk, "Design: Speculation, Computation and Technology", Northeastern University, Pittsburgh, Boston

2019 Oct

Talk, "Speculation, Computation, Design, Technology – Rethinking Products / Critique / Media", College of Fine Arts and School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US

2019 Jun

Talk, “Corporate Speculative Design? – Our example on how to deploy speculative design in a corporate environment” with Raphael Reimann, PRIMER19, Parsons The New School, New York, US

2019 May

Talk, “Was wäre wenn!?”, Symposium Maschinenraum 2019, Augsburg, DE

2019 Apr

Talk (Video Call), “Corporate Speculative Design?”, Strelka Institute, Moscow, RU

2018 Nov

Talk, "Generative Design" with Hartmut Bohnacker, Lunchtime Talk, Mediendesign Program, DHBW Ravensburg, Ravensburg, DE

2018 Oct

Talk, "Corporate" Speculative Design at moovel lab – Exploring Future Mobility Scenarios, Speculative Futures Berlin Meetup, Berlin, DE

2018 Jun

Artist Talk, Typomania Moscow 2018, Museum of Moscow, Moscow, RU

2018 Feb

Talk/Panel, "Data, Futures and the Automated City", 999 A collection of questions about contemporary living, Future Living: N°2 Automated City, Triennale di Milano, Milano, IT

2017 Nov

Talk, "Speculative Future Mobility" and "Life after college", Royal College of Art, London, UK

2017 Sep

Talk/Panel, "Future of Mobility", d.confestival - The Pionieering Event in Design Thinking, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, DE

2017 Jun

Talk/Panel, "Design Pattern for Designing Hope", NODE17 Forum for Digital Art, Symposium - The Hope of Technology, Frankfurt, DE

2017 Apr

Talk, "Bye Bye Formal – New Thinking by Design", Designpositionen, HTWG Konstanz, DE

2017 Jan

Talk, "Bye Bye Formal – New Thinking by Design", aed DesignersPunch, Stuttgart, DE

2016 Oct

Talk, "All Roads to Rome: Visualizing Mobility at Scale", IEEE VIS 2016 Arts Program, Baltimore, US

2016 Sep

Speaker/Panel, "Mobility T.B.D. – Designing Speculative Pop Future Mobility", ADC Design Experience, Stuttgart, DE

2015 Nov

Artist Talk, Shapeshifters, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE

2015 Oct

Artist Talk, “Data Improvisations”, IEEE VIS 2015 Arts Program, Chicago, US

2015 Apr

Artist Talk, New Design Areas, KISDtalks, Köln International School of Design, DE

2014 Nov

Speaker, “Framing Reality with Data”, KIKK Festival, Namur, BE

2014 Apr

Speaker, “Reading and Writing Landscape”, Chaos Computer Club Easterhegg 2014, Stuttgart, DE

2014 Apr

Speaker, “Reading and Writing Landscape”, Resonate 2014, Belgrade, RS

2014 Apr

Artist Talk, Shenkar College, Tel Aviv, IL

2014 Feb

Artist Talk, Japanese Media Arts Festival, Tokyo, JP

2014 Jan

Artist Talk, Mediendesign – DHBW Ravensburg, DE

2013 Nov

Speaker, “Reading and Writing Landscape”, The World 2.0 – Do It Together, CPH:DOX, Copenhagen, DK

2013 Oct

Speaker, “Reading and Writing Landscape”, Berlin, DE

2013 Jul

Speaker, Test_Lab: The Graduation Edition 2013, V2_ & The New Institute, Rotterdam, NL

2013 Apr

Speaker, “The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, geomobLDN, London, UK

2012 Apr

Speaker, “Speculative Maps and Open Data”, Open Data on the Web Workshop, W3C, London, UK

2012 Mar

Speaker, “Mashing up OSM and Mental Maps”, geomobLDN, London, UK

2010 Oct

Speaker, “Generative Gestaltung”, Decoded Conference Munich, DE

2009 Oct – 2010 Dec

Lecture Tour, “Generative Gestaltung”:HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, DEFH Salzburg, ATHTW Berlin, DEFH Augsburg, DEHTWG Konstanz, DEBA Mannheim, DEAKA Stuttgart, DEHGK Basel, CHand more …

2006 Apr

Speaker, “Raumstaben”, Typo Berlin, Berlin, DE

2005 Apr

Speaker, “Kelten Digital”, FMX-05, Stuttgart, DE


2024 Jun – 2024 Aug

Exhibition, “NUCA @ UNCANNY – Faszination und Unbehagen”, Mathias Vef & friends, nüü gallery, Berlin, DE

2023 Dec – 2023 Dec

Exhibition, “Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?”, launch event of the new MA programme in Industrial Design, ZHdK Zürich, CH

2023 Sep – 2023 Oct

Exhibition, “Flights to Rome”, The Data Imaginary: Fears and Fantasies, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, AU

2022 Jun

Exhibition, "Roads to Rome", Part of the collection of the ARTIS/Het Groote Museum, Amsterdam, NL

2022 Apr – 2022 Jul

Exhibition, "Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?", Autofiction, Cité du design, Biennale Internationale design Saint-Etienne 2022, Saint-Etienne, FR

2021 Sep – 2021 Nov

Exhibition, “Avena+ Test Bed”, Vers un imaginaire numérique, Centre de Design de l’UQAM, Montreal, CA

2021 Jul – 2021 Sep

Exhibition, “Flights to Rome”, The Data Imaginary: Fears and Fantasies, Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane, AU

2019 Nov

Exhibition, OpenMoji is part of "BIO 26 – Common Knowledge Exhibition", 14 Nov 2019 – 9 Feb 2020, Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), Ljubljana, SI

2019 May

Exhibition, "Roads to Rome", Part of the permanent exhibition, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, AT

2019 Feb

Exhibition, "OpenMoji", Nicht mein Ding – Gender im Design, HfG-Archiv, Museum Ulm, Ulm, DE

2018 Oct

Exhibition, “Flights to Rome”, IEEE VIS 2018 Arts Program, Berlin, DE

2018 Sep

Exhibition, "Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?", POSTCITY, Ars Electronica 2018, Linz, AT

2018 Aug

Exhibition, “OpenDataCam”, WeMakeThe.City, Amsterdam, NL

2018 May

Exhibition, "Aerial Bold", Museum of Moscow, Moscow, RU

2018 May

Exhibition, "Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?", SHIFT Festival, Turku, FI

2018 Mar

Exhibition, "Roads to Rome", Art of Networks III, Network Science Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, US

2017 Nov

Exhibition, "Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?", Kikk Festival 2017, Namur, BE

2017 Nov

Exhibition, "Shanghai Metro Flow", Social Mobility – Envisioning Bodies in Motion, Hyundai Motorstudio, Beijing, CN

2017 Oct

Exhibition, "Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?", PUSH Conference 2017, Munich, DE

2017 Sep

Exhibition, "Who Wants to Be a Self-Driving Car?", Daimler Fachtagung zu Autonomes Fahren, Recht und Ethik, Stuttgart, DE

2017 Aug

Permanent collection, “The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, Library of Congress, Washington DC, US

2017 Jun

Exhibition, "Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?", NODE17 Forum for Digital Art, Frankfurt, DE

2016 Oct

Exhibition, "TRAJECTORIES", ARTS+ 2016, Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt, DE

2016 Oct

Exhibition, “Roads to Rome”, IEEE VIS 2016 Arts Program, Baltimore, US

2016 Sep

Exhibition, “Aerial Bold”, TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read), B4BEL4B Gallery, Oakland, US

2015 Oct

Exhibition, ”The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, 12th Bienal de Artes Mediales, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, CL

2015 Oct

Exhibition, “Avena+ Test Bed”, constellation-s exhibition, arc en rêve centre d’architecture, Bordeaux, FR

2015 Oct

Exhibition, “Aerial Bold”, IEEE VIS 2015 Arts Program, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, US

2015 Sep

Exhibition, “Avena+ Test Bed”, Experimental Thinking / Design Practices, Griffith University Art Gallery, Brisbane, AU

2015 May

Exhibition, “Avena+ Test Bed”, Experimental Practice, RMIT Design Hubs, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, AU

2014 Nov

Exhibition, ”The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, Mapmaker Manifesto, 2014 Istanbul Design Biennial, Istanbul, TR

2014 Nov

Exhibition, “Metrography”, Mapmaker Manifesto, 2014 Istanbul Design Biennial, Istanbul, TR

2014 Oct

Exhibition, “Syn Bio Ads”, BIO-FICTON International Synthetic Biology Festival, Vienna, AT

2014 Oct

Exhibition, “DNA Control Agency”, BIO-FICTON International Synthetic Biology Festival, Vienna, AT

2014 Sep

Exhibition, “Avena+ Test Bed”, CyberArts Exhibition of the Ars Electronica Festival, OK Center, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, AT

2014 Jul

Exhibition, “Avena+ Test Bed”, Feral Experimental: New Design Thinking, UNSW Galleries, Paddington, AU

2014 Jun

Exhibition, ”The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, the Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design (LA Forum), Los Angeles, US

2014 May

Exhibition/Screening, “LA Swimmer”, On the Road Project, Modernism Week, Palm Springs, US

2014 Feb

Exhibition, “The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, 17th Japan Media Arts Festival, National Gallery, Tokyo, JP

2014 Jan

Exhibition, “Avena+ Test Bed”, “Mansolt, Landscape in perspective”, Bureau Europa, Maastricht, NL

2013 Nov

Exhibition, “Shanghai Metro Flow” is part of the Aesthetics City, Design Shanghai Biennale, CN

2013 Oct

Exhibition, “The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, The Book Lab, swissnex, San Francisco, US

2013 Sep

Exhibition, “Metrography”, Information In Style – Information Visualization in the UK, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, CN

2013 Sep

Exhibition, “Avena+ Test Bed”, Sustain RCA Show 2013, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2013 Jun

Exhibition, “Final SHOW”, Lower Gulbenkian Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2012 Dec

Commission, “Metrography”, Data-As-Culture Art Commission of the Open Data Institute, London, UK

2012 Sep

Exhibition, “Metrography” is featured on Visualizing Gallery Brücknerhaus, Ars Electronica, Linz, AT

2008 Apr

Exhibition, “Attack + Swap” and “Seelenlose Automaten”, Node 08 – Forum for Digital Art, Frankfurt, DE

2008 Mar

Exhibition, “Seelenlose Automaten”, DigitalArt.LA Gallery, LA, US

2006 Oct

Exhibition, “Attack + Swap”, Eikones, Basel, CH

Teaching and Workshops

2024 Nov – 2024 Nov

Training, "Strategien & Szenarien mit Design Futuring", Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE

2024 Jun – 2024 Jun

Training, "Strategien & Szenarien mit Design Futuring", Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE

2024 Mar – 2024 Mar

Training, "Design Futuring Masterclass", Dotdotdot - CONNECTION advanced training, Milano, IT

2023 Jun – 2023 Jun

Training, "Strategien & Szenarien mit Design Futuring", Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE

2019 Aug – 2019 Dec

Course, Data Visualization, Fall 2019, School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US

2018 Jun

Guest Tutor, Experience Design Workshop: Mobility++, Domus Academy, Milano, IT

2018 Jun

Workshop, “Computational Design in Adobe Indesign Using Basil.js”, Typomania 2018, Museum of Moscow, Moscow, RU

2018 May

Workshop, “Generative Design Workshop with Pen and Paper – Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Exercises”, Design Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, RU

2016 Sep

Workshop, "Computational Design in Adobe Indesign using Basil.js", TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read), O_o Shiny, San Francisco, US

2016 May

Workshop, “Mobility Future Speculative Workshop”, with J. Paul Neely, Köln International School of Design (KISD), Cologne, DE

2015 Sep

Workshop, “City as a Service Intensive School”, with Wio d’Hespeel, PUSH, Erice, IT

2015 Apr

Guest Tutor, Eingabe/Ausgabe – Grundlagen der prozessorientierten Gestaltung, Fachhochschule Potsdam, Potsdam, DE

2014 Apr

Workshop, “New Threads on Authorship – Phantom Books”, with Koby Barhad, Shenkar College, Tel Aviv, IL

2013 Oct – 2014 Jul

Tutor for “Digital Culture” (Theory) and “Interactive Communication Systems”, BA Interaktionsgestaltung, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2012 Apr

Workshop, "Computational Book Design", Basel School of Design, Basel, CH

2009 Jul

Workshop, Alternative Visualisations of Hierarchical Data in 3d, with Franklin Hernandez-Castro, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2008 Nov

Workshop, “100 Jahre HFG”, 3d Projection on Architecture/VVVV Workshop, with Joreg, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2008 Apr

Workshop, VVVV Course, Node 08 – Forum for Digital Art, Frankfurt, DE

2006 Oct – 2009 Jul

Tutor in BA Interaktionsgestaltung and MA Communication Planning and Design, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2006 Mar

Workshop, "VVVV Workshop", HyperWerk Institute for Postindustrial Design, Basel, CH


2021 Mar

Selected Teams Prize (Track 2), MyGalileoSolution Competition, European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), 2021

2020 Nov

Editorial Design Award, Designpreis Rheinland-Pfalz, DE

2018 Oct

Winner, Art & Advocacy, City Vis 2018, Berlin, DE

2018 Oct

Special Mention, Excellent Communications Design/Interactive User Experience, German Design Award 2019, DE

2018 Jun

Nomination, STARTS Prize Ars Electronica 2018, AT

2017 Oct

Winner, Excellent Communications Design, Books and Calendars, German Design Award 2018, DE

2017 Mar

Jury Selection of the 20th Japan Media Arts Festival, JP

2016 Nov

Silver Award, Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2016

2016 Oct

Special Mention, Excellent Communications Design, Posters, German Design Award 2017, DE

2016 Oct

Honorable Mention, Graphic Design & Data Visualization, Fastcodesign Innovation By Design Awards 2016, US

2014 Dec

IxDA Interaction Awards Finalist Disrupting 2014, US

2014 Dec

IxDA Interaction Awards Best Student 2014, US

2014 Dec

IxDA Interaction Awards Best Concept 2014, US

2014 Dec

Honorary Mention, Prix Ars Electronica 2014, AT

2014 Sep

Honorary Mention, Prix Ars Electronica 2014, AT

2013 Dec

Notable Mention, Global Urban Humanities Initiative, UC Berkeley & Berkeley Center for New Media, US

2013 Dec

Nomination, Sustain RCA Award, UK

2013 Dec

Excellence Award of the 17th Japan Media Arts Festival, JP

2011 Dec

Nomination, Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2011, DE

2010 Dec

Red Dot, DE

2010 Dec

Nomination, ADC*E, EU

2010 Dec

Distinction, Joseph Binder Award, AT

2010 Dec

Distinction, Designpreis Rheinland-Pfalz, DE

2010 Dec

ADC Silver (best project in category), DE

2008 Dec

Output 11 (winner project), DE

2007 Dec

Output 10 (winner project), DE

2005 Dec

iFiF Communication Design Award, DE


2023 Oct

Interview, KITeGG Research Project and AI in Design Education, Page Magazine, Oktober Issue, DE

2022 Dec

Interview, "55 Hurra Hurra x Eileen Mandir & Benedikt Groß", Hurra Hurra – ein Designpodcast der BURG, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, DE

2022 Sep

Interview, “Zukünfte gestalten und Design Futuring”, Futures Design Special, Page Magazine, October Issue, DE

2019 Jul

Interview, “Speculative and Critical Design”, SpeculativeEdu, FR

2016 Jul

Interview, GRAPHIC #37 magazine, Introduction to Computation, Seoul, KR

2015 Apr

Interview/podcast, "Data Safaris w/ Benedikt Groß", Data Stories #53 (A podcast on data visualization with Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner)

2014 Jun

Interview/Feature, “The Art of Visualizing Data”, Colliding Worlds, ISBN: 0393083365, W. W. Norton & Company New York, US

2013 Dec

Interview, “Mappers spot all the pools in L.A. Basin“, LA Times, US

2013 Oct

Interview, “Speculative cartography & programmed landscapes – a chat with Benedikt Groß”, CreativeApplications.Net

2013 Jun

Interview, Text, “Grenzverschiebung”, Basil.js feature, Page Magazine, June Issue, DE

2013 Mar

Practice Profile, “Gestalter@Work”, Page Magazine, March Issue, DE

2009 May

Interview, “Interaction Design and New Tools”, Weave Magazine, May Issue, DE

Selected Press and Project Features

2024 Apr

"NUCA Camera" featured and discussed on Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Newsletter Sicher Informiert

2024 Apr

"NUCA Camera" featured and discussed on Fast Company Co.Design

2024 Apr

"NUCA Camera" featured and discussed on Der Spiegel Netzwelt

2024 Apr

"NUCA Camera" featured and discussed on ComputerBild

2024 Apr

"NUCA Camera" featured and discussed on 404media

2023 Sep

Zukünfte gestalten featured in Buchmagazin pro zukunft, Jonas Drechsel, Ausgabe 2023.3, DE

2023 May

Zukünfte gestalten featured in Designlesen – Bücher von Bedeutung, Thilo Schwer & Georg-Christof Bertsch, DDCAST Podcast des Deutschen Designer Club, #145, DE

2022 Jun

Mind the “Uuh” featured in Signale of Page Magazine, June Issue, DE

2022 Apr

Mind the “Uuh” featured on CreativeApplications.Net

2019 Oct

“Who Wants to Be a Self-Driving Car?”, featured in SPECULATIONS 人間中心主義のデザインをこえて, ISBN 978-4-8025-1139-1, BNN, Tokyo, JP

2019 May

“OpenMoji 12.0”, featured on

2018 Apr

“OpenMoji”, featured at Page Blog, DE

2017 Nov

“Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?”, featured on

2017 Oct

“Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?”, featured on Fastcodesign

2017 Oct

“Who Wants to be a Self-Driving Car?”, featured on CreativeApplications.Net

2017 May

"LA Pools" and "LA Swimmer", ART PAPERS, "Cut to the Pool", Issue 41.01, US

2017 May

“Avena+ Test Bed”, featured in Food Futures: Sensory Explorations in Food Design, ISBN-10: 8416504652, Promopress, SP

2016 Oct

“Aerial Bold Project”, featured on Page Online

2016 Jul

"#teamchatviz" featured on Fastcodesign

2016 Jul

“ABC: The Alphabet from the Sky”, featured in TIME For Kids, Issue Jul 2016

2016 Mar

"A clever typeface crafted from satellite shots of buildings", Aerial Bold featured on

2016 Jan

“Roads to Rome”, Page Magazine, March Issue, DE

2015 Dec

“Roads to Rome”, featured on

2015 Dec

“Roads to Rome”, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Issue Dec 15 2015

2015 Dec

“Roads to Rome”, featured on

2015 Dec

“Roads to Rome”, featured on Spiegel Online

2015 Dec

“Roads to Rome”, featured on

2015 Dec

“Roads to Rome”, featured on Flowingdata

2015 Jun

“The Autonomous Human Drone Taxi”, featured on

2014 Nov

“Aerial Bold Kickstarter”, featured in the Guardian, UK

2014 Nov

“”, featured on Fast Co.Design

2014 Nov

“Aerial Bold Kickstarter”, featured on

2014 Oct

“Aerial Bold Kickstarter”, featured on FastCoDesign

2014 Oct

“Aerial Bold Kickstarter”, featured on

2014 Oct

“Aerial Bold Kickstarter”, featured on CreativeApplications.Net

2014 Sep

“Hubcab”, featured on

2014 Sep

“Hubcab”, front cover feature in PNAS, Issue 37, US

2014 Jul

“The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, featured in the Landscape Architecture Mag., US

2014 Mar

“Hubcab”, featured on Fast Co.Design

2014 Mar

“Hubcab”, featured on Infosthetics

2014 Mar

“Avena+ Test Bed”, front cover feature in KONstruktiv Magazine, Issue 293, AT

2014 Jan

“The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, review by Denis Woods in Cartographica 49:1, 2014, pp. 77–78, CA

2013 Dec

“Avena+ Test Bed”, featured on Exhibition

2013 Dec

“The Big Atlas of LA Pools” featured on

2013 Dec

“The Big Atlas of LA Pools” featured on

2013 Nov

Feature Article, “The Big Atlas of LA Pools”, Wired Magazine UK, November Issue, UK

2013 Oct

Feature Article, “Avena+ Test Bed”, Wired Magazine UK, October Issue, UK

2013 Aug

“Avena+ Test Bed”, featured on

2013 Jul

“Avena+ Test Bed”, featured on

2013 Jul

“Avena+ Test Bed”, featured on CreativeApplications.Net

2013 May

“Avena+ Test Bed”, featured on

2013 Apr

“Speculative Sea Level Explorer”, featured on

2013 Apr

“Speculative Sea Level Explorer”, featured on CreativeApplications.Net

2013 Apr

“Speculative Sea Level Explorer”, featured on Infosthetics

2013 Mar

“The Big Atlas of LA Pools” featured on

2013 Mar

“Basil.js”, featured on CreativeApplications.Net

2012 Dec

“Generative Design”, featured on CreativeApplications.Net

2012 Apr

Feature Article, “Metrography”, WIRED Magazine UK, April Issue, UK

2012 Feb

“Metrography”, featured on Infosthetics

2012 Jan

“Crime Sounds App”, featured in “Robot cleaners and the Museum of Me: Intel’s vision of the future”,

2011 Feb

“MapMap Vauxhall”, featured on CreativeApplications.Net

2010 Feb

Feature Article, Tutorial, “Generative Gestaltung”, Page Magazine, February Issue, DE

2010 Jan

Feature Article, “Generative Gestaltung”, Page Magazine, January Issue, DE

2010 Jan

Feature Article, “Generative Gestaltung”, Form Magazine, January Issue, DE

2009 Dec

“Generative Gestaltung”, featured on Slanted

2009 Feb

“HfG Wiki Related Pages Viz”, featured on Infosthetics

2008 Oct

Feature, “Seelenlose Automaten”, Font 007, Fontmag of FontShop International, US

2007 Dec

“Seelenlose Automaten” featured on

2007 Jan

Feature, “Raumstaben”, Page Magazine, January Issue


2012 Dec

DAAD scholarship “Jahresstipendium Bildende Kunst, Design, Film”


2023 Oct

"TRANSFORM 2023 Conference on AI, Sustainability, Art and Design", KITeGG Winter School, HS Trier, DE

2023 May

"Reshape – Forum for Artificial Intelligence in Art and Design", KITeGG Summer School, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

2022 Nov

Talk, Buchvorstellung »Zukünfte gestalten«, Speculative Futures Stuttgart Meetup, Stuttgart, DE

2022 Oct

Talk, "Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation, Kritik, Innovation und Design-Futuring", Speculative Futures Berlin Meetup, Berlin, DE