Population.io – The World Population Project
2014 Nov
Population.io aims to make demography – the study of human populations – accessible to a wider audience. We believe that demographic data can play an important role in understanding the social and economic developments of our time. Our hope is that people from all walks of life, in all ages and across all countries will explore a new perspective of their own life and find their own place in the world of today and tomorrow.
Population.io has been developed by Wolfgang Fengler, together with K.C. Samir and Benedikt Groß. The core team also includes The Development Data Group of the World Bank and 47 Nord. The project is supported by the World Bank, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and generous volunteer contributions by Tamás Krisztin, Joey Lee and others. The team also appreciates the partnership with the United Nations Population Division, which is providing the estimates and projections, on which our model is based on.
All of the data you see on population.io is from an open API which is nicely documented with details of methods and data sources used here: api.population.io
Further Reading
- Blog post Journey of your life - Demography for the demos by Samir K.C., IIASA World Population Program. More background informations and how the calculations behind population.io work.
- How long will I live? by Wolfgang Fengler at TEDxVienna (16 min Video)